Friday, July 11, 2008

poet watch?

on the way home i stopped at our local safeway supermarket. it was crowded as fuck as people bought shitloads of beer for the weekend. seriously, it seemed every purchase was nothing but beer. the harried clerks took the rush with a mixture of humor and exasperation. theirs is a stressful job.

so then anyway, the crowds cleared in just a few minutes and i was the last in line. as the clerk was handing me my receipt i looked up to see a dude that looked like the poet joshua clover step in line right behind me. i've never met clover but seen photos and videos of him online. he teaches at nearby u.c. davis, so who knows. same face, same wire-rimmed glasses, same tall, slender build and same longish grey hair. so if it was clover, the dude who did a double-take as he was walking out the door was me. and if it wasn't clover, well hombre, you've got a doppleganger roaming about.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger keed said...

linked to your site. cool.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger richard lopez said...

cool, thanks billy


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