Wednesday, November 28, 2007

shit, the only problem i have with aging - other than the horrible fact of getting old - is forgetting. for example, fire up the laptop to look something/someone up online then soon as it's booted up forgetting why you fired the computer up in the first place. or calling yr son, or wife, or dog, or cat all the names of all the occupants of the household before hitting on the correct one. like stepping into a room for a purpose then immediately upon entering forgetting what that purpose might just be. a permanent state of loss.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger kevin.thurston said...

i think we could hang out. ive gotten very good with my mother over the years of being able to know what she is talking about when she says 'you know, that movie, with that guy' (for example)

i was told once 'after 40 the nouns go'

At 7:07 PM, Blogger richard lopez said...

cool, kevin, you buy the beer cuz ya know i'd forget to bring it.

the nouns do go. now what should expect. at 50 the verbs too?


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